
A letter was written to the Editors of the Catholic Standard on behalf of Concerned Catholics Tasmania (CCT) regarding the publication of the article entitled “Exposing the ‘modern green religion’” in the Catholic Standard Volume 9 Issue 4.

Click here to read the letter.


Dear members and associates of CCT, 

This week the universal Catholic Church is celebrating Laudato Si Week. 

We want to assure our members and associates that, in keeping with our commitment to the Pope's encyclical, CCT is considering how best to respond to the article Exposing the 'modern green religion' by Catherine Sheehan, featured in the latest edition of The Catholic Standard. This article reported a speech given by Professor Ian Plimer, at the invitation of the Christopher Dawson Centre. The speech denigrated scientific studies on climate change and questioned the validity of the science behind Laudato Si and the wisdom of Pope Francis in writing it.  

Those who missed the issue can access it here (pg 11). 

It has come to our attention that the article, the event it reported  and the fact that it was given such prominence in the official publication of our Archdiocese have caused widespread concern for Tasmanian Catholics. We would be very interested in hearing your reactions, ideas or suggestions as we discern a way forward. We'll keep you in touch.