There are many resources available to inform, challenge and inspire us. These are but a few and we will add to the list as time allows. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know, and we can pass them on.

Church Without Clergy Dr Harald Prinz ACCCR

Women deacons: A closed book? Eureka Street Bill Uren 11/6/2024

Pope Francis expands participation in synod to lay members, granting right to vote. The Catholic Reporter 26/4/2023

Fr Bob Maguire, charity campaigner and Catholic priest dies at 88 years. ABC News. 19/4/2023

Powerlessness and the Voice - Pearls and Irritations ( 1/4/2023

The evolution of Pope Francis on women: Some movement, but more needed. by Kate McElwee National Catholic Reporter 7/3/2023

The corrosive effect of scandal hierarchy’s sacramental betrayal in abuse cover-up obstructs synodality. Tom Roberts National Catholic Reporter 17/1/2023

George Pell’s death symbolises the demise of a church out of touch and out of time. By Francis Sullivan. 13/1/2023

The synodal process: it's time to make a stand. La-Croix International. 5/1/2023

Sexual complementarity Pope Francis, sex and gender. The Tablet 15/12/2022

Rafael Luciani, a theologian based in America, describes how synodality has become the most effective antidote to clericalism. 1/12/2022

Pope Francis meets with Fr. James Martin at Vatican. the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties, of LGBTQ Catholics. CNA 11/11/2022

New Vatican Synod Document mentions women’s ordination, LGBTQ relationships. National Catholic Reporter 27/10/22

Pope Francis marks 60th Anniversary of Vatican II opening by pleading for the church to overcome polarization 11/10/22

Recently launched the epic film The Letter, starring Pope Francis to tell the story of Laudato Si’,

Synod advisers meet outside Rome to consider ‘time for change’ in Catholic Church Nat Catholic Reporter 30/9/2022

Hard Questions Born of Love: My Journey through the Plenary. by John Warhurst. May 2022

The Church with no faith in its women. by Sr Joan Chittister. The Age 9/7/2022

Plenary Council fails to embrace Pope Francis’s social vision. by Bruce Duncan. Pearls and Irritations 29/6/2022

The Catholic Plenary Council: A suggested preamble by Bill Uren. Pearls and Irritations 12/6/2022

Pope Francis: Guarding ‘dead traditions’ is dangerous for the Church’s life. Catholic News Agency. 1/6/2022

Hard Questions Born of Love: My Journey through the Plenary | Garratt Publishing by John Warhurst.

The Guardian “Worst it’s ever been”: A threatened species alarm sounds during the election campaign - and is ignored.

Catholic Weekly. Plenary members raise concerns By Adam Wesselinoff April 20, 2022

When Catholic bishops play dirty nobody wins. by Terry Fewtrell. 14/3/2022

Vatican official speaks to event hosted by LGBT outreach group New Ways Ministry. National Reporter April 6, 2022

Voting for the Common Good. Federal Election 2022 A Joint Project of Social Justice, Welfare and Educational Agencies

Brazilian Bishop: I hope the Synod will end clericalism in the church America the Jesuit review 11/2/2022

Women called to preach ABC Radio National 12/2/2022

Open Government for the Church. Promoting Co-responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia. La Croix International 12/02/2022

Letter from Anglican Bishop Jeremy Greaves. Chair Anglican Schools Commission, Queensland. 31/01/2022

General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

The Synod of Synodality The Conversation 13/10/2021

Root and Branch: the Bristol Text. 13/9/2021 We are Church Ireland. Contribution to the Bishops Synodal process.

Plenary Council - The hardest work is yet to come. John Warhurst Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn 12/10/2021

Suggested readings for the Plenary Council 2022

A Church for all. A guide to the Plenary Council…. and beyond. Launched by ACCCR September 2021

Fr Frank Brennan’s homily 25/7/2021

‘My hope for the Plenary Council’. Bishop Vincent Long. Catholic Outlook 30/6/2021

Synod on Synodality Andrew Hamilton June 2021

Pope Francis launches 7- year Laudato si’ action plan CNA 25/5/2021

Vatican asks all Catholic dioceses to take part in synod on synodality 21/5/2021

Catholicism must grow up. Article in Pearls and Irritations by David Timbs May 9, 2021

Towards a Synodal Irish Church Address of Cardinal Mario Grech to the Bishops of Ireland 3 February 2021

Ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of Synod of Bishops. Address of Pope Francis. 2015

Catholic renewal coalition discusses Plenary Council with Archbishops by Andrea Dean 24/3/2021

Women in the Church? The time is now. by Associate Professor Mary Coloe. 17/11/2019

Dear your graces and my lord bishops of Australia are you listening? Or like church mice? by Chris Geraghty 8th March 2021.

Australian Women Preach Podcasts will launch on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2021 and run the 30 weeks leading into the Australian Catholic Church’s historic Plenary Council in October.

Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse. Leading nun says decision-making should not be a matter of ordination. Loretto Sr. Patricia Murray

Pope Francis tells Latin American Ecclesial Assembly not to be elitist

International Theological Commission. Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Bishops publish response to Church governance review report.

A Report on Catholic Church Governance by Francis Sullivan. The Light From the Southern Cross. 11 June 2020.

The Pope’s revolution. The implications of Laudato Si’ A paper presented at a Zoom public forum for Concerned Catholics Canberra/Goulburn, 3rd December 2020 by Dr. Trish Hindmarsh.

Voice of the Faithful Conference 2020. Keynote address by theologian Fr. Richard Lennan from Boston College. Discusses “The Light from the Southern Cross: Promoting Co-Responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia”

Light from the Southern Cross: Report 21st August 2020. Promoting Co-Responsible Governance in the Catholic Church in Australia

Plenary Council Australia: Listen to what the Spirit is saying……

Fratelli Tutti Encyclical letter of Pope Francis on Fraternity and Social Friendship. (3rd October 2020)

John Warhurst 5th November 2020 Patchwork quilt church inhibits national action

Catholics for Renewal. Diocesan profiles 2020 Archdiocese of Hobart

Concerned Catholics Canberra-Goulburn Newsletter October 2020

Pope Francis Laudato si’ Encyclical letter (24th May 2015)

Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium: Apostolic Exhortation

Pope Francis In his prayer intention for October 2020, asks everyone to pray that ‘women be given greater leadership roles in the Church’.

Mary McAleese, Catholic lay woman, Canon Lawyer and former President of Ireland. (Opening Keynote at Voices of Faith International Women’s Day Conference “Why Women Matter” 8 March 2018 at the Jesuit Curia, Rome. ‘The Time is now for change in the Catholic Church’

Sister Patty Fawkner SGS, an Australian Good Samaritan nun. “Women and Leadership’ (May 2020)

John Warhurst (Concerned Catholics Canberra/Goulburn) on Church governance. ‘Who Speaks for the Catholic Church?’ June, 2020

Chris Geraghty, with comment from Peter Johnstone On behalf of victim survivors: the church has to own this worldwide scandal.

Eureka Street is a Jesuit online magazine.
